February 28, 2012

A Little Gulf Coast Native Wool

Here's a little Gulf Coast Native wool top I'm spinning.  The yarn will go into a group project done to promote public understanding of handspun.

The past half year, I set out to focus on making useable handspun items for myself and it's laughable how little the stuff I've done meets the criteria.  I set this large goal and then consequently got even worse at meeting it.

Not that this is the Gulf Coast wool's fault.  Plus, extra spinning is a bonus: I get the fun of turning my spindle and none of the responsibility for making yarn into cloth.

I'm spinning this wool (rather than wool of my own for me) because there is a deadline for turning in the yarn so the project can go on to the next stage.  And so it was with the Christmas hat and the card weaving samples: people were expecting them.   Maybe it's helpful to think in terms of due dates for deliverables.


  1. Hi Kristen,

    I'm the Park Operations Supervisor/Chief Park Ranger at Pamplin Historical Park in Dinwiddie County Virginia and have 10 Gulf Coast Native lambs I need to rehome. There are a couple rams in the bunch. I am also looking for about 4 young ewes (trade). Trying to keep the bloodlines straight. Do you know of anyone that might be interested in the VA area?

    You can reach me at cbanchero@pamplinpark.org.
    Chris Banchero

  2. thanks, Chris!
    Meadow Farm Museum (part of Henrico County Recreation and Parks) keeps and breeds Gulf Coast Natives. I've also emailed you the name of a farm in Beaverdam whose owners might refer you to their GCN lamb supplier/breeder.

  3. Hi, Kristen. My e-mail reply to yours wouldn't go through. Sarah and I didn't raise the the sheep, she merely sheared them for someone who didn't use the fibre. Sorry--don't know of anyone who would like to own sheep at this time.
    Mary Clare


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