Books I've read about fibre arts
The Knitter's Book of Yarn, Clara Parkes
The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns, Ann Budd
Knitting On The Edge, Nicky Epstein
Oneskein, Leigh Radford
50 baby bootees to knit, Zoë Mellor
Handmade in the UK, Emily Wessel
Weave with Style, Jean Wilson
Knitting Nature, Norah Gaughan
Crafts Design, Moseley, Johnson, and Koenig
Good Measure, Deborah Newton
Module Magic, Ginger Luters
Sweater Design in Plain English, Maggie Righetti
Knitting in Plain English, Maggie Righetti
You Can Knit That, Amy Herzog
The Magic of Shetland Lace Knitting, Elizabeth Lovick
Amy Herzog's Ultimate Sweater Book
Knitting Ganseys, Beth Brown-Reinsel
Knit Wear Love, Amy HerzogThe Knitter's Book of Yarn, Clara Parkes
The Knitter's Handy Book of Patterns, Ann Budd
Knitting On The Edge, Nicky Epstein
Oneskein, Leigh Radford
50 baby bootees to knit, Zoë Mellor
Handmade in the UK, Emily Wessel
Knitting for Real People, Ferne Geller Cone
100 pin loom squares, Florencia Campos Correa
Saltwater Mittens, Christine Legrow and Shirley A. Scott
Saltwater Classics, Christine Legrow and Shirley A. Scott
Organic Fiber Dyeing: The Colonial Williamsburg Method, Max Hamrick
Knitting for Peace, Betty Christiansen
Lace Style, Pam Allen and Ann Budd
Fair Isle Style: 20 fresh designs for a classic technique, Mary Jane Mucklestone
Knitting for Peace, Betty Christiansen
Lace Style, Pam Allen and Ann Budd
Fair Isle Style: 20 fresh designs for a classic technique, Mary Jane Mucklestone
Show Your Work, Austin Kleon
Steal Like an Artist, Austin Kleon
A Stash of One's Own, ed. Clara Parkes
Practical Spinner's Guide: Wool, Kate Larson
Yarn*i*tec*ture: a Knitter's Guide to Spinning, Jillian Moreno
Knitlandia, Clara Parkes
Second Skin, India Flint
Knitting Green: Conversations and Planet-friendly Projects, Ann Budd
Hand Knitting Techniques from Threads Magazine
Steal Like an Artist, Austin Kleon
A Stash of One's Own, ed. Clara Parkes
Practical Spinner's Guide: Wool, Kate Larson
Yarn*i*tec*ture: a Knitter's Guide to Spinning, Jillian Moreno
Knitlandia, Clara Parkes
Second Skin, India Flint
Knitting Green: Conversations and Planet-friendly Projects, Ann Budd
Hand Knitting Techniques from Threads Magazine
Clothing from the Hands that Weave, Anita Luvera Mayer
Traditional Island Knitting, Pam Dawson
Ecclesiastical Pomp and Aristocratic Circumstances, Nancy Spies
Off the Loom: Creating with Fiber, Shirley Marein
The Dyer's Art: ikat, batik, plangi, Larsen, Buhler, and Solyom
(I skipped the history sections)
Weave with Style, Jean Wilson
Knitting Nature, Norah Gaughan
Crafts Design, Moseley, Johnson, and Koenig
Handweaving in Cape Breton, M. Florence Mackley
Prehistoric Textiles, E.J.W. Barber
Wild Color, Jenny Dean
Braids and Beyond
Sprang Unsprung, Carol James
The Shuttle-craft Book of American Hand-weaving, Mary Meigs Atwater
"The Lady of Shalott," Tennyson
Anni Albers On Weaving, Anni Albers
selections from Ancient Danish Textiles, Margarethe Hald
The Fiberarts Book of Wearable Art, Katherine Duncan Aimone
Spinning Wool: Beyond the Basics, Anne Field
Beyond Weaving, Marcia Chamberlain and Candace Crockett
Lambsquarters: Scenes from a Handmade Life, Barbara McLean
The Essentials of Yarn Design for Handspinners, Mabel Ross
Through the Eye of a Needle: The true story of a man who went searching for meaning – and ended up making his Y-fronts, John-Paul Flintoff
The Garden Cottage Diaries, Fiona J. Houston
The Textile Tools of Colonial Homes: From Raw Materials to Finished Garments Before Mass Production in the Factories, Marion Channing
Working with Wool: a Coast Salish Legacy & the Cowichan Sweater, Sylvia Olsen
Knitting from the Netherlands, Henriette van der Klift-Tellegen
Make Do and Mend, Hugh Dalton
Knitting from the British Islands, Alice Starmore and Anne Matheson
Knitting America, Susan Strawn
Weavers' Wearables, Virginia West
Spinning and Weaving at Upper Canada Village, Audrey Spencer
Your Yarn Dyeing, Elsie Davenport
Home Weaving, Department of Agriculture, Quebec
Linen Heirlooms, Constance D.N. Gallagher
Mountain Homespun, Frances Goodrich
The Warp-weighted Loom, Marta Hoffmann
A History of Textiles, Kay Wilson
The Comfortable Arts, Dorothy Burnham
The Woven Coverlets of Norway, Katherine Larson
Spinning and Weaving in Palestine, Shelagh Weir
Up From Slavery, Booker T. Washington
Book of Fair Isle Knitting, Alice Starmore
Aran Knitting, Alice Starmore
Cut My Cote, Dorothy Burnham
Sprang: Thread Twisting, Skowronski and Reddy
Family Creative Workshop: Silversmithing to Sprang
Handspindles, Bette Hochberg
Unlike the Lilies, Dorothy Burnham
The Wool Pack, Cynthia Harnett
The Spinner's Workshop: A Social History and Practical Guide, John Mercer
Wheels and Looms, David Bryant
A History of Hand knitting, Richard Rutt
Respect the Spindle, Abby Franquemont
A Handweaver's Pattern Book, Marguerite Davison
Selected Canadian Spinning Wheels in Perspective
The Techniques of Sprang, Peter Collingwood
The Farmhouse Book: Tradition, Style, and Experience, David Larkin
No Place Like Home: Diaries and Letters of Nova Scotia Women 1771-1938, editors Margaret Conrad, Toni Laidlaw, and Donna Smyth
A Weaver's Garden, Rita Buchanan
Threads of the Land: Clothing Traditions from Three Indigenous Cultures/Liens à la Terre: Traditions Vestimentaires de Trois cultures Autochtones, Hall, Tepper and Thompson
The Alden Amos Big Book of Handspinning, Alden Amos
Turning Wool into a Cottage Industry, Paula Simmons
The Art of the Loom: Weaving, Spinning and Dyeing Across the World, Ann Hecht
No Idle Hands: The Social History of American Knitting, Anne L. Macdonald
Spinning Wheels, Spinners and Spinning, Patricia Baines
"The Ruined Cottage," William Wordsworth
The Intentional Spinner: A Holistic Approach to Making Yarn, Judith MacKenzie
Handspinning: Art & Technique, Allen Fannin
Your Handspinning, Elsie Davenport
Homespun, Handknit, editor Lina Ligon
The Weaving, Spinning and Dyeing Book, Rachel Brown
The Woolcraft Book, Constance Jackson and Judith Plowman
Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years, Elizabeth Wayland Barber
In Sheep's Clothing, Nola Fournier
Hand Wool Combing and Spinning, Peter Teal
Larry Schmitt's nalbinding pattern books
Nalbinding Made Easy, Anne Marie Haymes
The Technique of Weaving, John Tovey
can't remember when
Knitting Rules and others by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Knitting Over the Edge
Principles of Knitting, first edition
Knits Men Want
Knitting Without Tears
Knitter's Almanac
Sweater Quest
French Girl Knits
Twisted Sisters Sock Workbook
Never Knit Your Man a Sweater Unless You've Got the Ring
Knitter's Handy Book of Sweater Patterns
Knit Socks!
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