I bought this sock yarn and mailed it off to my sprightly grannie, who actually knows how to knit socks. She was telling me the other day that she likes turning heels and thinks using multiple double pointed needles is fascinating.
Nice colour yarn, I thought (malachite by Madeline Tosh). The price, well the price would be ruinous if I made a habit of it. At least not knowing how to knit socks keeps me from that.
I really hope Grannie doesn't look at the declared value on the parcel's customs form or her thrifty soul will protest and gently reproach me. (She was in her twenties during the Great Depression, and I'm pretty sure she had thriftiness deeply ingrained even before that.)
Well, my thrifty soul is protesting and reproaching me too, but my quality-loving streak* asserted itself and really I didn't see any other sock yarn in this colour.
My outdoor-loving cousin favours green, and I'm hoping our grannie will make this wool into socks for her.
Ah, self justification.
P.S. A while back my Grannie told me that she would do plain knitting while reading. I said, no way! Well, I am now able to knit garter stitch dishcloths while reading. All the better to chew through Ravelry discussion boards with, my dear. Threads about stash mountains are awfully fun.
*I got said streak from my other grandmother, who venerated quality
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