All my spinning, knitting, and weaving supplies and tools are in these containers. Don't know if that looks like a lot to you or a little. (No wheel, I use drop spindles.)
To me who knows what's in there, it looks like the right amount of tools* but far more supplies than I want to keep on hand.
There are a number of types of fibre in there that I don't plan to replace once I spin them up or judiciously destash, such as merino, mohair, cotton, mixed-breed wool, wool-bamboo, alpaca, Corriedale cross, and Icelandic.
If you are keeping track, that leaves Romney and my beloved Blue Faced Leicester. I'm not sure how I feel about the purebred Shetland. Haven't tried spinning that yet.
*except I dream of a huge and impressive warp-weighted loom, and a couple styles of sprang frames, and maybe an electric spinning machine
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