May 11, 2011

Supported Spindle

Bought a Russian-style supported spindle from the Spanish Peacock at the festival.  Early in the day I tried a Tibetan-style one that was set up with a cup and some sample fibre.  At that point I wasn't able to draft the fibre all that easily and since I'd never spun with a supported spindle before, I was clumsy at keeping the spindle upright and moving.

TJ King suggested I come back and try again mid-afternoon when she expected the booth would be less busy.  I did so.  Brought with me some some Shetland fibre I'd bought.  I figured Shetland's short staple might lend itself to spinning with a long draw, which is how you spin with a supported spindle.

I am happy to say I was able to make yarn.  A couple of other customers kindly gave advice and help.  One started the leader for me.  She said that usually when she starts the leader she uses spit to make the fibre adhere to the spindle.  I thanked her for the tip but added that I didn't quite feel up to spitting on a spindle I hadn't bought yet.

The particular Russian supported spindle that appealed to me most of all the woods on display, curly maple, was still available for me to buy.  Given how brisk their sales were, that was a wonder.

How to hold a supported spindle, more or less.


  1. I recently got a Tibetan spindle for my first support spindle and I was all over the place trying to draft and spin. Luckily I just bought some silk hankies and have been practicing with that instead of staple fibers so my technique is getting better!

  2. hurray, Kayleigh!
    Just saw the photo on your blog. Love the fun silk colours you chose.


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