A couple of women were sifting through the bowl of my yarn-themed pin back buttons at a market a while back, laughing and pointing out the sayings to each other. "That's so X!" they said about the "freshly handknit, please admire" button, referring to someone in their knitting group they found overly enthusiastic about show and tell.
"Is she a new knitter?" I asked. When I first learned to spin and knit, I would bring my finished items to the attention of the more experienced handspinners I knew. It was a way to say, I heard what you said to do, I applied it as best I could, and it's very exciting.
When I show and tell now, I'm more saying, this is possible, this is a result I'm after for these reasons, this is a benefit I'm trying to get through yarn, you can do this too. Here is a display I did at a local farmers' market recently:
display for handspinning, knitting, weaving |
It wasn't a patch on the other handspinner's display, though. She had a piece of brown un-dyed cotton cloth she grew, spun, and wove. She also had flax on a spindle. Sometime I have to get a photo of her in her homegrown, handspun, handwoven green cotton vest.
homegrown un-dyed cotton handspun and handwoven into cloth |
I am still working out the dynamics of traffic flow and weather for public demonstrations of fibre arts. I really should have put up a tarp wall on the sunny side. We were at the rear of the tent avoiding the sun and it was awkward to greet passersby from back there. Shade might have helped us bear the humidity; hot weather makes it hard to spin wool. The tables should have been in a line off to the side rather than an L at the front of the booth. Sound is also an issue. We were set up across from a dozen ukuleles with amplifiers. So, fun but challenging.