I managed to shred one of my handknit hemp dish cloths, scrubbing lime scale off a stock pot. The dish cloths are good at scrubbing but poor at wiping counters, having little absorbency.
I managed to properly calculate the number of rows and put them into the revised felted cloche-style hat so that it had the desired final dimensions after two trips through the washing machine. The hat is in the mail. The only photo I took shows the hat modelled by a friend, who didn't sign up to have her face on my blog, so you will have to go without photographic evidence. I didn't show it off at a guild meeting either. I was impatient to get the hat in the mail and to the intended recipient to find out if it fits. Fit is important as I plan to make another for her and garment dye it. I saved the reject hats to chop up and test dye on.
Some of my friends tell me they like making new things all the time with plenty of variety. I like production work. Making the same thing again, or with a small variation.
The språng loom, alas, remains bare. And the wool room messy.
And I may be about to cast on another Norwegian Sweet baby cap, just because I like production work, I have extra sock yarn, and I want something to do before and after supper in an unfamiliar restaurant with a group of strangers. The one wrinkle is, it has been so long, I have forgotten all the modifications I used.