My thoughts are turning to Spring wool festivals and spin in public days.
A farmers' market expressed interest in having members of our guild come out and demonstrate handspinning but we don't have a volunteer coordinator to take it on. It's a good location: I can think of two guild members who found the guild because we were at that market doing a demo.
This month at another location, the guild is doing a demonstration, fiber prep through weaving, and I am participating. I am trying to decide what wool to spin. The yarn I make at a demo comes out irregular with thicker spots, so the yarn has to be destined for a suitable project. There is a wool festival coming up where I'd like to display some yarn that looks like a beginner did it, and I was thinking some indigo blue would be eye-catching. There's all that BFL I dyed with natural dyes in the fall. Some of it is indigo. I must quit being such a miser and use it.
As for current projects, the sweater is on hold, I haven't started the språng pullover yet, and I am knitting another hat to felt. In other words, I'm doing the easy stuff.